Increased efficiency by harmonizing heterogeneous, operational Processes

Business Process Improvement as a Lever to Improve EBIT and Quick Wins
Thyssenkrupp Schulte GmbH is a leading steel trading company with many international subsidiaries. The goal of this project was to harmonize selected processes at various locations and thereby drive efficiency. Changes to the existing IT systems had to be avoided in order to ensure rapid implementation. The time horizon for realizing the improvements was only six months.
Together with UNITY, the current processes of seven sites were recorded and examined for optimization potentials. In the process, a large number of stakeholders was involved and their interests were taken into consideration. The resulting fields of action and best practices were then evaluated and transferred into a target process. In this context, it was particularly important to demonstrate how quickly the process changes could have profitable effects on EBIT. Finally, an implementation plan was created for an organizational rollout that would cover six months.
In addition to the potential for significant savings, thyssenkrupp also benefited from a collaboratively developed blueprint for future process improvements. The project was conducted in close cooperation between thyssenkrupp and UNITY so that during the project, an internal team could be trained to continue working with the methodology.
Recorded model processes at seven very heterogeneous locations
Involvement of over 90 international experts
220 Process potentials with EBIT impact within six months
“The UNITY project team did an excellent job of understanding our organization and delivering high-quality, detailed results. UNITY qualified our team extremely well, so that we can optimize further processes ourselves. This was also extremely successful despite working remotely during the coronavirus crisis.”

Peter Zarth
Your Contact

Sebastian Befeld
Business Area Lead