Increased efficiency in administrative business processes

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Comprehensive analysis of the administrative processes of Toyota Deutschland GmbH

Toyota is the pioneer of lean production. The principles of the Toyota Production System (TPS) are still widely used today in production facilities around the world, particularly in automotive manufacturing. Approaches such as the continuous improvement of processes (Kaizen) or the avoidance of waste (Muda) can also be applied to administrative business processes. The aim here is to eliminate repetitive and non-value-adding activities or to make them as efficient as possible.
To this end, UNITY carried out a comprehensive analysis of the processes, activities, organizational interfaces and IT systems in various business areas, with the close involvement of the employees of Toyota Deutschland GmbH. Efficiency measures were then developed with a focus on pragmatic automation solutions, process standardization and outsourcing options. Following a cost-benefit assessment, UNITY supported the implementation of the prioritized measures.
In addition to the short-term measures that were implemented, there was a long-term positive effect on the workforce at Toyota Deutschland GmbH: The willingness to change and the lean mindset were sustainably strengthened. As a result, employees were qualified and intrinsically motivated to proactively drive further efficiency improvements in administration.

Service portfolio for 12 business areas

> 100 Potentials identified

Lean mindset strengthened

“UNITY particularly impressed us with the fact that they combine goal orientation and structure with pragmatism and a clear understanding of the tasks of the individual employees. We achieve changes with the participation and using the expertise of our employees.”

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Claus Keller


Toyota Deutschland GmbH

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