Innovative OR Logistics – Conception and implementation preparation

End-to-end optimized, future-oriented and specialized OR supply

  • Comprehensively optimized the end-to-end OR logistics process incl. the supply of surgical trolleys and inventory management
  • Optimized use of space by dividing the operating room and logistics area (space in the operating room reduced by 200 m2)
  • Improved purchasing and warehouse management as well as assortment optimization (Resulted savings > CHF 500,000 p.a.)
  • Surgery trolley supply in the operating area and reduced set-up costs through procedure packs and standardized set-up lists (savings of 1.5 FTE)
  • Detailed concept for system-supported trolley control to optimize planning and proces

"The targeted collaboration between the SCS team and UNITY achieved all the prerequisites for the successful implementation of the new and innovative OR logistics. This applies not only to the new building, but also for the current logistics".

Dr. Peter Eichenberger


St. Claraspital

Ihr Ansprechpartner

[Translate to English:]

Nicolina Litschgi

Partner, Managing Director at UNITY Schweiz AG

Zurich, Switzerland
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