Optimization and planning of the MRO production concept

Integration of 7 workshops with high process and product complexity into an optimised production concept

  • Data analysis of 2,678 products, 336,000 operations and 215,000 working hours
  • The resulting development of a new, flexible production system to improve productivity and throughput times
  • Development of a concept layout on 12,000 m² spread over 2 levels for approx. 300 workstations to realise 30% - 45% growth
  • Process validation for the realisation of 90,000 production orders and 30,000 transport orders per year in the future
  • Ensuring a high level of acceptance in the workshops through a data-based approach

“The task was to integrate seven very different workshops into an overall concept. Thanks to a clear methodology, in-depth expertise and the involvement of all stakeholders, a concept was developed in just three months that was accepted by all parties and enabled the growth targets to be achieved while also improving profitability.”

Jens Knigge

Project management production system

Lufthansa Technik AG

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Felix Falbe


Hamburg, Germany
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Thorben Kerkenberg

Head of Smart Factory & Operational Excellence

Hamburg, Germany
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Michael Wolf

Partner, Business Area Lead

Hamburg, Germany
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