Simulation of the effect of CombiSets in the surgery

Sales Innovation – from product sales to process consulting

HARTMANN offers individually assembled sets of expendable materials for surgical operations. The CombiSets ensure simple processes in the preparation of surgeries and provide efficient solutions to the patients’ benefit. HARTMANN used UNITY’s processes and simulations to identify the cost-benefit of its products as "time savings in the operating room." Together, they developed two tools to simulate the usefulness of the CombiSets in the operating room.

This valuable sales data proves that Hartmann’s products save time, which enables hospitals to conduct more operations, resulting in increased revenue. Customization is possible because the simulation can be modified to suit the particular need, for instance:  specialized clinics, operating efficiency or incision-suture times.  As a result, the focus of sales meetings is no longer, “How much does the product cost?” rather, "How can the product improve hospital processes?"

This new sales concept enables clinics to quantify the return on investment, requiring the sales staff to have a deep understanding of the operating processes.  Therefore, UNITY developed training courses and videos to support the global sales organization. It also coached salespeople and established key users in HARTMANN’s subsidiaries to support its sales efforts.

“Together with Unity, we developed and implemented a business concept that puts our value-added products at the focus of hospital processes.  We are able to quantitatively simulate how many more people can be treated when hospitals use our products.”

Michael brauner

Vice President Business Division Risk Prevention

Hartmann Gruppe

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Meik Eusterholz

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Paderborn, Germany
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