Efficient inter-municipal cooperation

Transformation of organizational and management structures

16 Cities in the Emscher region, including Dinslaken, Bochum and Oberhausen, have joined forces with the Emschergenossenschaft (water management board) in the Future Initiative Klima.Werk to prepare for the increase in heavy rainfall and long periods of drought and to make city life more attractive in the long term. The common goal is to create sponge cities that can withstand extreme weather conditions.

In the first phase of the project, a comprehensive analysis of the cooperation in the network was carried out at the beginning of 2023 in order to collectively identify the potential for transformation. This allowed the needs and wishes of relevant stakeholders to be determined. Cornerstones for a more efficient cooperation model were then established by defining roles and responsibilities, holding agility workshops and holding additional cultural events. Furthermore, a shared vision for the future initiative was derived: “Every square meter of the region is worth living in, for both people and nature.” After completing the first phase, UNITY supported Klima.Werk in implementing the developed measures and establishing the cooperation model. UNITY will augment the transformation path that has already been taken through a variety of change management methods and workshop formats. For example, concrete next steps to integrate additional municipalities were defined based on a workshop on objectives and measures, and the existing strategy was further developed. An integral part of the project also provides support with internal communication and public relations work. The key to successful cooperation between the various cities and the Emschergenossenschaft is the regular exchange of information and maintaining the culture of the initiative. With the project, UNITY ensures and efficient and targeted inter-municipal cooperation. This enables Klima.Werk to achieve its common goal– the creation of sponge cities.

UNITY Project Manager: Laura Stempfle

16 Municipalities involved

Efficient cooperation model established

Effective Change Management

“The challenges of implementing integrated solutions to adapt to the consequences of climate change are almost always found in non-technical areas. It is much more important to enable a good cooperation between the various stakeholders with different interests. UNITY supports us in achieving this.”


Klaus Juchheim


Future Initiative Klima.Werk at the Emschergenossenschaft

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Sebastian Befeld

Business Area Lead

Paderborn, Germany
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Laura Stempfle

Senior Manager

Hamburg, Germany
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