Innovation Maturity Check

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Maturity checks are a tried and tested method for tackling challenges and problems in a strategic and structured manner instead of falling into actionism. For this reason, we use our maturity checks in a large number of our consulting projects to effectively analyze the initial situation. Depending on the type of objective and implementation, we offer three different versions of the Maturity Check!

Possible questions:

  • Would you like to establish holistic innovation management in your organization for the first time? 
  • Would you like to find out whether you are already exploiting the full potential of innovation management? 
  • Would you like to know where you stand (compared to the benchmark) with your current innovation management? 
  • Would you like to take your innovation management to the next evolutionary level? 
  • Or do you want to critically question and reflect on your existing innovation management?

Benefits of the Innovation Maturity Check

>25 Years of experience

As part of the Maturity Check, you can benefit from our more than 25 years of experience in innovation management, on which the Maturity Check is based.

Faster Status Quo

Identify your strengths and weaknesses in innovation management quickly and in a standardized way. This knowledge makes it possible to work specifically on your weaknesses and utilize your existing strengths.

The next evolutionary level

Use the Readiness Check to take your innovation management to the next evolutionary level and critically scrutinize your status quo.

Efficient use of resources

Use your resources efficiently. Instead of time-consuming and costly analyses, use our Readiness Check to find out the maturity level of your innovation management with minimal effort.

Sensitization and awareness-raising

Raise your awareness of holistic innovation management. Through the targeted analysis of certain criteria, we sensitize you and your employees and can thus strengthen your commitment.


Find out whether you are already fully exploiting the potential of holistic innovation management and compare your level of maturity with benchmarks.

Package S

Service Offering
Innovation Management

Innovation Maturity Check Light

1-2 Weeks 

Starting from €10,000 

Package M

Service Offering
Innovation Management

Innovation Maturity Check Advanced

1 Month 

Starting from €55,000 

Package L

Service Offering
Innovation Management

Innovation Maturity Check Premium

2-3 Months 

Starting from €100,000 

Package S

In an intensive week, we use workshop and interview formats to analyze the maturity level of your innovation management on the basis of a standardized procedure.

Subject of Performance 

  • Supported maturity assessment based on the Standard Maturity Check (~4 guided interviews/one workshop) 
  • Analysis and visualization of results

Transformation potential:
Inspiration for individual employees (train-the-trainer format can also be integrated)

Scope of persons to be involved:
<5 Persons (exclusively internal)

Maturity level from the result:
Standardized evaluation without measures

Package S

Service Offering
Innovation Management

Innovation Maturity Check Light

1-2 Weeks 

Starting from €10,000 

Package M

Together with you, we adapt the Maturity Check procedure to your focus topics and challenges, carry out a detailed analysis including workshops and interviews and derive areas of action for you! 

Subject of performance:

  • Supported maturity assessment based on an individually adapted Innovation Maturity Check (~10 guided interviews & workshops) 
  • Analysis and visualization of results 
  • Prioritization and recommendation of areas for action

Transformation potential:
Inspiration and initial empowerment of a larger group (train-the-trainer format can also be integrated)

Scope of persons to be involved:
<10 Persons (Integration of external e.g. customers may be useful/possible)

Maturity level of the result:
Individualized evaluation incl. areas of action

Package M

Service Offering
Innovation Management

Innovation Maturity Check Advanced

1 Month 

Starting from €55,000 

Package L

Use a detailed maturity analysis tailored to your needs to develop an action plan based on the areas of activity identified! We look forward to assisting you with initializing the first fields of action!

Subject of performance:

  • Supported maturity assessment based on an individually adapted IMC (~15 guided interviews + quantitative survey) 
  • Analysis and visualization of results 
  • Prioritization and recommendation of areas of action 
  • Detailed development of an action roadmap for the implementation of selected areas of action

Transformation potential:
Inspiration and distinctive empowerment of a large group (train-the-trainer format can also be integrated)

Scope of persons to be involved:
>20 Persons (Integration of external e.g. customers may be useful/possible)

Maturity level from the result:
Individualized evaluation including areas of action and an action plan

Package L

Service Offering
Innovation Management

Innovation Maturity Check Premium

2-3 Months 

Starting from €100,000 

Your contacts for Innovation Management

Dr. Dominik Fischer

Head of Strategy & Innovation

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Arne Sierk

Head of Business Transformation & Enablement

Hamburg, Germany
Contact us

Peter Albrecht

Business Area Lead

Munich, Germany
Contact us

Dr. Michael Herbst

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Cologne, Germany
Contact us

Magnus Meier

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Munich/Stuttgart, Germany
Contact us

Michael Wolf

Partner, Business Area Lead

Hamburg, Germany
Contact us

Kristin Korsmeier

Senior Team Lead

Munich, Germany
Contact us

Dennis R. Schmidt

Partner, Senior Team Lead

Hamburg, Germany
Contact us