The digital future of patient care

We shape the path to a smart hospital with you

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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

The catalyst for sustainable and safe patient care!

Digitalization has revolutionized the way we work, communicate and obtain information in recent years. In the healthcare sector, digital transformation offers enormous opportunities to improve the quality of medical care and optimize processes. However, the introduction of IT systems alone is not enough to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization. Digital transformation requires a holistic view of processes and working methods as well as a change in mindset. The aim is to integrate digital technologies into workflows in order to ensure more effective, safer and patient-centered care. The focus should be on people, as digital transformation can only be successfully implemented by involving employees and patients. Our consulting services are tailored to the needs of hospitals and healthcare facilities. We help you to take a holistic approach to digitalization and make the most of the opportunities it offers.

As part of the digital transformation on the path to becoming a smart hospital, we support you in the following areas in particular:

  • Vision and digital target picture 
  • Use of technology to support optimal processes 
  • Data strategy 
  • System and provider selection 
  • Implementation strategy 
  • Implementation support for IT projects 
  • Digital commissioning

Digitale Transformation im Krankenhaus

Green Hospital

- Intelligentes Energiemanagement
- Smarte Abfallwirtschaftssysteme
- KI-basierte Belüftungsregulierung


- Cloud- und KI-gestützte Erkennung von Cyberangriffen
- Information Security Management System (ISMS)
- Security Operation Center

Intelligentes Facility Management

- Smarte Wartung
- Intelligente Wäschelogistik
- Digitale Essensbestellung und Speisenversorgung


- Digitale Anbindung an Labore
- Interoperabel vernetzte Medizingeräte und smarte Sensorik
- Einbindung von Wearable-Daten in die Behandlung

Digitale Verwaltung und Beschaffung

- Optimierung Kodierung und Erlösmanagement durch KI
- Intelligente Personaleinsatzplanung
- Digitales und automatisiertes Einkaufsmanagement


- Videosprechstunde, Online Konsile, Tumorboards und Fallkonferenzen
- Remote-Support während Notfalleinsätzen
- Televisite

KI und Entscheidungsunterstützung

- KI-basierte Erkennung von Gesundheitsrisiken
- KI-basierte Zuordnung und Erfassung von Leistungen
- Systemgestützte Clinical Pathway-Planung

Automatisierung und Performance

- Sprachbasierte Pflege- und Behandlungsdokumentation
- Automatisierte Übertragung von Befunden und Bilddateien
- Digitaler Zwilling im Krankenhaus

Digitale Pflegeunterstützung

- Systemgestützte Patientenidentifikation
- Ortsunabhängige, mobile, elektronische Patientenakte
- Steuerung des Healing Environments im Patientenzimmer

Smarter Operationssaal

- (Live-)Videoübertragung der OP-Säle
- Hybrid-OP
- OP-Unterstützung durch Augmented Reality


- Robotik für die Krankenhauslogistik
- Desinfektionsroboter
- Drohnen als Transportmittel

Digitales Medikationsmanagement

- Unit-Dose-System
- KI-basierte Überprüfung von Fehlmedikationen, Nebenwirkungen etc.
- Matching von Patient und Medikation (Closed-Loop)


- Track & Trace
- Intelligentes Belegungsmanagement
- KI-basierte OP-Planung

Trans- und Intersektorale Vernetzung

- Digitales Entlassmanagement
- Digitales Zuweiserportal
- Kollaborative Plattformen

Patient Engagement

- Patientenportal inkl. Online-Terminvergabe
- Home Care des Patienten
- Digitales Behandlungstagebuch


- Elektronische Patientenakte (ePa)
- Telematikinfrastruktur-Messenger (TIM)
- Kommunikation im Medizinwesen (KIM)

  • 1. Green Hospital

    - Intelligentes Energiemanagement
    - Smarte Abfallwirtschaftssysteme
    - KI-basierte Belüftungsregulierung

  • 2. IT-Sicherheit

    - Cloud- und KI-gestützte Erkennung von Cyberangriffen
    - Information Security Management System (ISMS)
    - Security Operation Center

  • 3. Intelligentes Facility Management

    - Smarte Wartung
    - Intelligente Wäschelogistik
    - Digitale Essensbestellung und Speisenversorgung

  • 4. Interoperabilität

    - Digitale Anbindung an Labore
    - Interoperabel vernetzte Medizingeräte und smarte Sensorik
    - Einbindung von Wearable-Daten in die Behandlung

  • 5. Digitale Verwaltung und Beschaffung

    - Optimierung Kodierung und Erlösmanagement durch KI
    - Intelligente Personaleinsatzplanung
    - Digitales und automatisiertes Einkaufsmanagement

  • 6. Telemedizin

    - Videosprechstunde, Online Konsile, Tumorboards und Fallkonferenzen
    - Remote-Support während Notfalleinsätzen
    - Televisite

  • 7. KI und Entscheidungsunterstützung

    - KI-basierte Erkennung von Gesundheitsrisiken
    - KI-basierte Zuordnung und Erfassung von Leistungen
    - Systemgestützte Clinical Pathway-Planung

  • 8. Automatisierung und Performance

    - Sprachbasierte Pflege- und Behandlungsdokumentation
    - Automatisierte Übertragung von Befunden und Bilddateien
    - Digitaler Zwilling im Krankenhaus

  • 9. Digitale Pflegeunterstützung

    - Systemgestützte Patientenidentifikation
    - Ortsunabhängige, mobile, elektronische Patientenakte
    - Steuerung des Healing Environments im Patientenzimmer

  • 10. Smarter Operationssaal

    - (Live-)Videoübertragung der OP-Säle
    - Hybrid-OP
    - OP-Unterstützung durch Augmented Reality

  • 11. Robotik

    - Robotik für die Krankenhauslogistik
    - Desinfektionsroboter
    - Drohnen als Transportmittel

  • 12. Digitales Medikationsmanagement

    - Unit-Dose-System
    - KI-basierte Überprüfung von Fehlmedikationen, Nebenwirkungen etc.
    - Matching von Patient und Medikation (Closed-Loop)

  • 13. Multi-Ressourcen-Management

    - Track & Trace
    - Intelligentes Belegungsmanagement
    - KI-basierte OP-Planung

  • 14. Trans- und Intersektorale Vernetzung

    - Digitales Entlassmanagement
    - Digitales Zuweiserportal
    - Kollaborative Plattformen

  • 15. Patient Engagement

    - Patientenportal inkl. Online-Terminvergabe
    - Home Care des Patienten
    - Digitales Behandlungstagebuch

  • 16. Telematikinfrastruktur

    - Elektronische Patientenakte (ePa)
    - Telematikinfrastruktur-Messenger (TIM)
    - Kommunikation im Medizinwesen (KIM)

Consulting Services for Smart Hospital Digitalization

Turn your vision into reality

Your challenges 
As part of the digital transformation, hospitals need to develop a future-oriented, realistic vision. This involves combining technological potential and regulatory requirements with patient and employee needs, always taking into account financial resources and the need for the latest technology.

UNITY solution approach
Turn your vision of a smart hospital into a reality with us. Our support services include

  • Development of your individual digital vision 
  • Identification of relevant projects to achieve your vision 
  • Design of a customized roadmap
Successful implementation of a smart hospital

Your challenges

Healthcare facilities are faced with the challenge of selecting and implementing suitable IT systems and providers that are compatible with existing structures and processes in order to ensure optimal patient care. Data protection and security requirements must be met, while effective change management is necessary to ensure employee activity and acceptance.

UNITY solution approach

  • Selection of suitable systems and providers 
  • Support throughout the entire procurement process
  • Implementation and commissioning of the IT systems 
  • Professional change and communication management

Find out more

The foundation for your digital transformation

Your challenges 
In the ever-changing IT landscape, hospitals are faced with the challenge of constantly updating and integrating their systems while patients' expectations of digital services continue to grow. The discontinuation of SAP IS-H in particular requires many hospitals to realign their HIS strategy.

UNITY solution approach
We work with you to develop an HIS strategy that drives progress and makes your hospital fit for the future.

  • Development of a customized HIS & SAP strategy 
  • Execution of efficient as-is status analyses and definition of end-to-end processes 
  • Creation of a robust digital core based on S/4HANA 
  • Implementation support for modularization


Effizientes Management - maximaler Patientenschutz

Your challenges 
Managing the security of patients and their data is becoming increasingly complex. Increasingly scarce resources, a growing number of sources of risk and a demanding legal framework represent a real challenge.

UNITY solution approach
Our experts will provide you with comprehensive advice on cyber security solutions that are specifically tailored to your needs. We advise you on everything from selecting the right measures to technical and organizational implementation. Our focus areas include:

  • Setting up a robust hospital IT architecture 
  • Training your employees in handling information & systems
  • Individual risk analysis to derive tailor-made measures


Scalable structures with a patient focus

Your challenges 
Increasing digitalization in the healthcare sector means that a large number of internal and external IT systems need to be integrated effectively and seamlessly. Increasing data volumes and high demands on the reliability and resilience of IT systems require a scalable, secure and robust IT architecture.

UNITY solution approach
We work with you to design an IT architecture that grows with your requirements:

  • Development of a customized IT strategy 
  • IT architecture assessment: Analysis and evaluation of your current IT architecture and derivation of specific fields of action 
  • Development of a target IT architecture taking into account the functional requirements needed for your processes


Are you familiar with the Digital Healthcare Platform OWL?

Medical data accessible - anytime and anywhere - thanks to the digital archive

The Digital Healthcare Platform OWL started in 2018 as a pioneering project with an impressive volume of funding. The goal: to network the five urgent care hospitals in the Paderborn area and the doctors in private practice from the professional association Praxisnetz Paderborn to digitalize and more closely integrate the healthcare sector. This project, in which UNITY was the overall project manager, was successfully completed in 2023, and the operating company Digital Healthcare Platform OWL GmbH was then founded by the project partners. With the UNITY Innovation Alliance as a project partner, we can work together to drive forward the consistent implementation of our vision of the digital healthcare revolution - digital, connected, secure!

Learn more

Project stories in Digital Transformation in Healthcare

  • Introduction of a central control center and a patient portal in the hospital
  • Digital Transformation Support
  • Digital Hospital Planning
  • Optimization of the intra-hospital patient transfers
  • Intelligent OR planning
  • Health 4.0 for South Tyrol

Make an appointment with our experts

Depending on the topic, we provide you with the right experts. Select your preferred date from our calendar and discuss your concerns with our experts by phone or via Microsoft Teams without any obligation. We look forward to getting to know you!

Book an appointment

Insights into Healthcare

Your contacts for Smart Hospital

Meik Eusterholz

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Miriam Golis

Business Area Lead

Berlin, Germany
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Heiko Hauptmann

Business Area Lead

Berlin, Deutschland
Contact us
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Nicolina Litschgi

Partner, Managing Director at UNITY Schweiz AG

Zurich, Switzerland
Contact us