UNITY is the leading management consultancy for process efficiency in the healthcare industry!

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We actively shape transformation in hospitals and healthcare facilities

The healthcare market is currently undergoing major changes. We are striving for more time and safety for patients and are achieving this in particular through efficient processes and digital support.

We are the right partner for hospitals and healthcare facilities that want to stay one step ahead of the competition with outstanding services. Benefit from our best practice knowledge from over 300 projects and shape your transformation in strategy & target planning, organizational development, supply chain & logistics management, digitalization, green hospital and project & change management.

By incorporating cross-industry technologies and trends, we ensure that hospitals are positioned for the future!

Current topics in Healthcare

Strategy & Target Planning

Strategy development & strategic target planning as well as operational organization & layout development

Design your hospital in an innovative and future-oriented way through strategy development, layout development (with simulation) and the optimization of your operational organization.


Organizational Development

Target operating model as well as personnel planning & organizational management

Patient-centred processes, targeted personnel planning and organizational management are the foundation for sustainable success in hospitals in the face of shortages of skilled staff.


Supply Chain & Logistics

Procurement & logistics strategy as well as supply & disposal concepts

Ensure patient care in the hospital through a future-proof procurement and logistics strategy with supply and disposal concepts.


Digital Transformation

Digitalization strategy, requirements management & implementation as well as IT architectures 

Enable your hospital to become a smart hospital and master the digital transformation with end-to-end digitalization and networking.



Additional Consulting Services for Healthcare

Project Stories in Healthcare

  • Planning the transformation program
  • Automated and lean logistics in new buildings
  • Feasibility study on autonomous mobile robots for hospital logistics
  • Sustainability governance & CSRD/ESRS
  • Strategy development for St. Johannisstift Paderborn
  • Future-proof set-up of the HR department at the Clinic Bavaria
  • Introduction of a central control center and a patient portal in the hospital
  • Medical Strategy for SLK Clinics
  • Applications “Spitalliste Ct. Zurich 2023”
  • Development of a general operating concept for a multi-locational care
  • Innovative OR Logistics – Conception and implementation preparation
  • Ensuring efficient OR management in a new building
  • Analysis and process optimization in the OR area
  • Development of the future logistics concept
  • Digital Transformation Support
  • Simulation of the effect of CombiSets in the surgery
  • Improving the digital infrastructure
  • Process-oriented Improvement of Business Efficiency
  • Digital Hospital Planning
  • Optimization of the intra-hospital patient transfers
  • Sales Innovation
  • Resource efficiency through Supply Cart System
  • Optimized OR layout for a new hospital building in Uster
  • Secured and planned commissioning
  • Saving of time and costs during the construction stage
  • Intelligent OR planning
  • Health 4.0 for South Tyrol
  • Intersectoral Networking in Healthcare
  • Digital Agenda - Consulting in Digital Strategy

Make an appointment with our experts

Depending on the topic, we provide you with the right experts. Select your preferred date from our calendar and discuss your concerns with our experts by phone or via Microsoft Teams without any obligation. We look forward to getting to know you!

Book an appointment

Are you familiar with nextOR?

AI-based optimization of resource planning in hospitals

nextOR Planning is a self-learning program that uses artificial intelligence to analyze the data of all available parameters and operations that have already taken place. It creates and optimal surgery schedule that is updated in real time and takes into account the individual aspects of each operation. nextOR is a subsidiary of the UNITY Innovation Alliance.

Learn more

Are you familiar with the Digital Healthcare Platform OWL?

Medical data accessible - anytime and anywhere - thanks to the digital archive

The Digital Healthcare Platform OWL started in 2018 as a pioneering project with an impressive volume of funding. The goal: to network the five urgent care hospitals in the Paderborn area and the doctors in private practice from the professional association Praxisnetz Paderborn to digitalize and more closely integrate the healthcare sector. This project, in which UNITY was the overall project manager, was successfully completed in 2023, and the operating company Digital Healthcare Platform OWL GmbH was then founded by the project partners. With the UNITY Innovation Alliance as a project partner, we can work together to drive forward the consistent implementation of our vision of the digital healthcare revolution - digital, connected, secure!

Learn more

Insights into Healthcare

Your contacts for Healthcare

Meik Eusterholz

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Miriam Golis

Business Area Lead

Berlin, Germany
Contact us

Heiko Hauptmann

Business Area Lead

Berlin, Deutschland
Contact us
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Nicolina Litschgi

Partner, Managing Director at UNITY Schweiz AG

Zurich, Switzerland
Contact us