Resilient, innovative, future-proof – your IT strategy!

IT Strategy

Corporate success through a future-oriented IT strategy

In today's world, information technology and digitalization play a crucial role in a company's success. Therefore, a targeted and future-oriented IT strategy is crucial to proactively address technological trends and developments, ensure the security and reliability of their systems, and introduce innovative, digital solutions to increase efficiency and competitiveness.

Regardless of whether you are just starting to develop your IT strategy or already want to optimize an established IT strategy -- we are your reliable partner. Our range of services for IT strategy includes a broad spectrum of services and solutions to successfully position your company in the digital era. We work closely with you to analyze your business goals and develop a customized IT strategy that meets your requirements and needs.

Our Consulting Services in IT strategy

Basic understanding of the elements and importance of the IT strategy

Your challenges:

  • How do your IT strategy and your business strategy interact and where does action need to be taken?

UNITY solution approach:

  • Analyze the relevant influencing variables for the IT strategy 
  • Identify and define the current state and strategy dimensions 
  • Determine initial potentials and risks

Business & IT Alignment

IT strategy aligned with corporate objectives

Your challenges/ questions:

  • What are the strategic goals and guidelines for your IT? Where is there a need for action?

UNITY solution approach:

  • Determine the future role of IT and the overarching vision 
  • Specify and prioritize the strategy dimension 
  • Derive strategic action areas and projects 
  • Define the target state of the strategy dimensions
Targeted implementation of the IT strategy

Your challenges:

  • How can you implement the IT strategy developed and what measures are required for this?

UNITY solution approach:

  • Create a company  or division-specific roadmap including measures, responsible parties and KPIs 
  • Establish and monitor an IT controlling framework 
  • Use best practices and agile project management 
  • Execute holistic change management

Strategy dimensions

Based on our industry-specific experience and best practices as well as your business goals, we identify and describe your strategy dimensions. These form the core of your IT strategy. In addition to key topics such as governance models and the target operating model (TOM), the strategy dimensions also include the overall interaction between business, information system and technology levels (EAM) as well as security and sustainability topics.

IT Strategy

  • Enterprise Architecture Management

    Managementansatz, mit dem die Komplexität wachsender Unternehmensarchitekturen beherrscht werden kann. Es handelt sich um einen Ansatz, der die Geschäfts- und IT-Strategie sowie die entsprechenden Architekturen auf Geschäfts-, Informationssystem- und Technologie-Ebene gesamtheitlich betrachtet.

  • Cloud Computing

    Rolle der Cloud innerhalb der Organisation. Besteht beispielsweise aus Cloud-Einführung und –Migration.

  • Data Management

    Dieser Schwerpunktbereich steht für das ganzheitliche Management der in einem Unternehmen oder einer Organisation verwendeten Daten.

  • IT Partner Management

    Beschreibt die Prozesse, mit denen Unternehmen ihre Partner verwalten. Das Lieferantenmanagement umfasst Aktivitäten wie die Auswahl von Lieferanten, die Aushandlung von Verträgen, die Kostenkontrolle, die Verringerung von Risiken im Zusammenhang mit Lieferanten und die Sicherstellung der Leistungserbringung.

In close collaboration and under UNITY’s leadership, we have developed a future-proof IT strategy that was coordinated with all of our locations. The know-how and best practices that UNITY contributed have supported us in achieving our goals.
Wolfgang Remlinger
Member of the Board of Directors
Liebherr-EMtec GmbH

Project stories in IT Strategy

  • Implementation of Digital@Covestro

    Concept & Implementation of a corporate digital governance

    • Design and implementation of a central Digital Governance Body steering all digital initiatives and projects
    • Development and integration of an efficient organization and process landscape as well as roll-out preparation for a portfolio management tool
    • Operationalized project portfolio management with clear description of scope, roles and steering criteria

    Find out more

  • Digital city administration in 2025

    Shared vision and digitalization projects

    • Implementation of an innovative strategy approach with the involvement of managers and employees
    • Identification and integration of stakeholders, framework conditions and legal requirements
    • Determination of the vision, mission and target image
    • Development of ideas for digitization projects and joint prioritization on a roadmap
    • Drafting of a communication plan and change management measures
    • Communication to the politically relevant committees
    • Development of governance and organizational structures
    • Drafting of the strategy paper

  • Reliable and high-performance IT infrastructure

    Implemention of a Future Operating Models for IT

    • Establishment of a fast and effective DevOps organization that is closely aligned with customer needs
    • Consistency in business development by creating end-to-end responsibility in IT Development of a flexible collaboration model that brings together the development and operation of IT solutions with the business department as needed
    • Sustainable assurance of the transformation through training and coaching for over 1200 IT employees

    Find out more

Project Stories IT Transformation

  • Planning the transformation program
  • Definition, management and implementation of a major transformation program
  • Business transformation and digital advancement
  • Efficient SAP Transition
  • Digital Reference Architecture LHT
  • Implementation of a Future Operating Model for IT
  • IT implementation
  • Development of a modern IT infrastructure
  • IT architecture and selection of systems
  • Target picture and use cases for the digital transformation
  • Digital Transformation of IT Organisation
  • Market Leadership in Smart Manufacturing
  • ERP Selection & Implementation for an innovative IoT Company
  • Development of Roadmap 2020
  • VR DigitalCheck
  • Networking beyond the stadium visit
  • Optimized corporate wide consistent business processes and system-neutral performance specifications
  • Implementation Digital@Covestro
  • End-to-end digital transformation with the UNITY Innovation Alliance
  • Intersectoral Networking in Healthcare
  • Creating added value for customers and company
  • Clear roles and responsibilities for IT and OT
  • Strategy and urban data platform

Your contacts for IT Strategy

Dr. Dominik Fischer

Head of Strategy & Innovation

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Daniel Neumann

Head of IT Transformation & CIO Advisory

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Thilo Böhm

Partner, Business Area Lead

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Till Gradert

Senior Manager

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us