Ensure a reliable defense against cyber threats

Industrial Security

Implementation of secure IT Architectures

Industrial Security takes a holistic approach to the security of industrial systems and processes. A main focus is on the implementation of secure IT architectures. By developing and implementing robust security structures, potential points of attack are minimized to ensure a reliable defense against cyber threats. The key points in industrial security are:

  • Implementation of identity-based access

    This measure enables precise control over who can access which resources, thus creating an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access to critical systems and data.

  • Secure transformation to the cloud

    By carefully planning and implementing secure cloud transformations, potential risks are minimized and the benefits of cloud-based infrastructures can be used effectively without neglecting security.

  • Security from Operational Technology (OT)

    Securing industrial control systems and production environments against cyber threats is essential to ensure smooth operation and the integrity of industrial processes.

  • Effective Asset Management

    By accurately taking inventory of and monitoring assets, potential vulnerabilities can be better identified and protected proactively.

  • Continuity and backup strategies

    Ensure business continuity in the event of unforeseen cyberattacks or system failures and secure critical data with regular backups.

Our Consulting Services in Industrial Security

Your challenges:

  • Your OT systems are based on outdated technologies that may not meet the latest security standards. 
  • You want to increasingly integrate OT systems into your IT networks and this creates potential gateways for cyberattacks. 
  • OT employees are not sufficiently aware of cyberthreats and secure practices.

UNITY solution approach:

  • Conduct comprehensive risk assessments for existing OT systems to identify vulnerabilities. 
  • Create a comprehensive OT strategy and derive an action plan. 
  • Conduct training and awareness programs for employees in the OT area.

Your challenge:

  • Your company is faced with the challenge of managing a large number of industrial assets with different lifecycles and requirements. 
  • You want the best possible automated recognition of your industrial assets in order to gain transparency about the hardware and software used.

UNITY solution approach:

  • Introduce processes and systems for OT asset management 
  • Build a central data platform that enables all relevant information on industrial assets to be aggregated and analyzed.
  • Develop a comprehensive asset lifecycle management strategy that covers the entire lifecycle of industrial assets 
  • Integrate legacy systems into the modern asset management platform to enable seamless data transfer.

Your challenges:

  • You want to prevent inadequate backup and recovery mechanisms to avert data loss and significant financial damage. 
  • Your goal is fast recovery times to minimize downtime and prevent production interruptions. 
  • Your industrial environment includes a variety of heterogeneous systems that make a unified backup and recovery strategy difficult

UNITY solution approach:

  • Develop a comprehensive backup strategy with regular backups of critical production data. 
  • Select and implement backup solutions that enable the integration of heterogeneous industrial systems. 
  • Develop solutions that enable fast recovery times.

The added value for your company

Risk reduction in production and maturity level control of production facilities

Increased resilience in the event of operational disruptions

Transparency regarding the technology used as the basis for efficient IT/OT security management

Make an appointment with our experts

Depending on the topic, we provide you with the right experts. Select your preferred date from our calendar and discuss your concerns with our experts by phone or via Microsoft Teams without any obligation. We look forward to getting to know you!

Book an appointment

Project stories in Cyber Security

  • Development of the innogy CyberRange-e

    Business Model Development and Operationalization

    An in-house training center, the "CyberRange-e", was set up to provide in-depth education and training for employees in IT and OT areas, where the company's own employees have been trained in a realistic environment since mid-2019. This project was approached in a structured manner together with UNITY: First, the competitive landscape for realistic cyber security training was examined and interviews were conducted with potential target customers in order to then derive the target position of the CyberRange-e ecosystem.

    Find out more

  • Digital target picture and application for funding

    Consulting for the Hospital Future Act

    • Creation of a digital target picture and formulation of digital guiding principles in the dimensions of processes, patients, employees, quality, organization and culture
    • Identification, prioritization and selection of eligible projects in accordance with the target picture
    • Ensuring compliance with the mandatory criteria and legal requirements for IT security measures
    • Selection of potential providers in accordance with user requirements
    • Completion of applications and upload of all content and attachments to the NRW online portal

      Learn more

  • Project management for applications for the Hospital Future Act (KHZG)

    Consulting as part of the Hospital Future Act

    • Implementation of project management 
    • Creation of a digital target image along the process map, taking into account the overall strategy of the hospital group
    • Preparation of applications: Creation of templates for project profiles and project outlines 
    • Support of the application process: Creation of templates for final funding applications (sample applications & quality control of applications)


Your contacts for Industrial Security

Heiko Janssen

Partner, Head of Product Portfolio

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Sebastian Befeld

Business Area Lead

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Philipp Wibbing

Executive Board Member

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Felix Kuban

Team Lead

Cologne, Germany
Contact us