Your contacts for Change Management
Your contacts for Change Management
Daniel Neumann
Head of IT Transformation & CIO Advisory
Michael Wolf
Partner, Head of Business Area
Dr. Nicolai Walter
Senior Manager
Ralf Schnitzmeier
Shape change successfully
Change Management
Change Management
In almost all industries, strategic changes in companies are currently in full swing. The rapid changes in the working environment present employees with the challenge of learning new processes, methods and systems and acquiring new skills in addition to their day-to-day work. This requires a high level of commitment and dedication.
UNITY makes your projects successful by placing the same importance on the people in your project environment as the project goals themselves. This makes change management an integral part of our project management. We identify the need for change, develop the appropriate change strategy, manage its implementation, and ensure it is sustainably anchored in the organization.
With professional competence and empathy, we support not only individual projects, but also comprehensive transformations. In doing so, we are always open to all aspects of human nature that may arise during the change process. Our goal is to successfully complete projects and support people in the best possible way during the change process, thus ensuring the sustainable effectiveness of the project results.
Our competences in Change Management
Our Consulting Services for your Change Management
Your challenges:
Experience Change Management expertise in Practice! UNITY provides you with the right change managers for your projects
UNITY solution approach:
Your challenges:
UNITY solution approach in cooperation with UNITYmove:
Your challenges:
Lead people to find a solution themselves! UNITY provides you with experienced change managers for individual or team coaching. UNITY works closely with the UNITY Innovation Alliance and UNITY Move to provide its clients with a comprehensive range of services.
UNITY solution approach in cooperation with UNITYmove:
Since July 1, 2021 we have spun off UNITYmove Training and Coaching as part of the UNITY Innovation Alliance. The goal is to professionalize and expand our external academy activities (especially training with a focus on personality development) in the direction of the customer. In addition, UNITYmove will continue to design the internal personality trainings with us.
Project stories in Transformation
Your contacts for Change Management
Your contacts for Change Management
Head of IT Transformation & CIO Advisory
Partner, Head of Business Area
Senior Manager