Supplier Code of Conduct


UNITY is the management consultancy for innovation and transformation. We enable global players, midsize companies and public sector customers to master digital transformation that is future-proof and sustainable. UNITY provides impulses through its in-depth understanding of technology and turns its customers into pioneers in their industries.

We are fully aware of our responsibility towards our customers, shareholders, employees and the organizations in which we operate. This is documented in our strategy, whose goals and core values guide our actions. In addition, we are committed to the United Nations Global Compact and adhere to its ten basic principles.

For these reasons, UNITY has developed the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which sets the standards for business relationships with UNITY. We expect our suppliers to base their actions on the same standards. We require our direct suppliers to ensure compliance with these standards by their subcontractors and suppliers. They are requested to pass on the contents of this guideline to all participants in their supply chain and to actively promote compliance. To ensure compliance, the supplier undertakes to implement an appropriate management system.


Compliance with Internationally Recognized Human Rights

Human Rights

We expect respect for and compliance with internationally recognized human rights, including the prevention of forced or involuntary labor, including modern forms of slavery and human trafficking -- also in the supply chain. The rights of local communities, minorities, indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups must be respected to avoid negative impacts on them. The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual must be respected. Fair working conditions for all employees that at least comply with the applicable laws and are based on the core labor standards of the ILO. We demand an appropriate living or housing situation for all employees in the respective country of employment as well as the recognition of the right of all employees to form trade unions and employee representatives on a democratic basis within the framework of national regulations. Our suppliers also undertake to comply with the right to freedom of association, including collective bargaining.


Equal opportunities and equal treatment

Our suppliers guarantee equal opportunities in employment, do not tolerate any form of discrimination and promote respectful cooperation, diversity and tolerance. The personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual must be respected. Employees must not be subjected to corporal punishment or physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. All employees, regardless of ethnic or national origin, gender, religion, ideology, age, disability, sexual orientation, skin color, political views, social background or other characteristics protected by law, must be treated strictly according to their abilities and qualifications in all employment decisions -- including, but not limited to, hiring, promotion, compensation, benefits, training, dismissal and termination.


Protection against child labor

Our suppliers respect the right of children to development and education. They ensure that the legal minimum age for employment is observed. In particular, our suppliers undertake to comply with local laws and the ILO Minimum Age Convention. According to this, no children under the age of 15 may work directly or indirectly, unless an exemption applies in accordance with the ILO. Furthermore, employees under the age of 18 may not carry out hazardous work and must be excluded from night work, taking into account educational needs.


Conflicts of interest

Our suppliers decide exclusively on the basis of objective criteria.

Private interests and/or personal advantages are not allowed to influence business decisions. In one's private life, business relationships with suppliers' business partners must be avoided if this could lead to a conflict of interest. In particular, our suppliers must refrain from privately contracting their business partners, if and to the extent that this could constitute granting and/or accepting an advantage. Employees who are related to business partners are not authorized to issue orders, approvals or similar to such business partners without prior consultation and in compliance with the dual control (four-eyes) principle.


Compliance with legal standards

Environmental protection

Sustainable environmental and climate protection and resource efficiency are important corporate goals for us. Our suppliers therefore undertake to comply with the environmental protection regulations and standards applicable to their business activities and to act in an environmentally conscious manner at all locations where they operate. The environmental impact should be minimized and environmental protection continuously improved. 

Our suppliers ensure compliance with the applicable environmental and energy laws as well as regulations and directives, such as the REACH Regulation, EMC Directive, RoHS Directive and WEEE Directive, as amended. Furthermore, they use natural resources sparingly, minimize environmental pollution and continuously improve environmental protection. Our suppliers pay attention to the environmental compatibility of their activities in order to make a contribution to reducing emissions and energy and water consumption.

As a minimum, our suppliers comply with the emission and wastewater limits and cleaning requirements that apply to their activities. They also ensure compliance with waste legislation. They avoid waste and recycle it in accordance with the law and to the highest possible quality. If necessary, they implement waste management concepts for high-quality material waste separation at the point of origin and ensure compliance with legal requirements for the storage and handling of hazardous substances. 

As part of necessary risk analyses, substitution options are examined and protective measures are taken for employees and the environment. Environmental and energy issues are taken into account at an early stage in relevant business processes and decisions (e.g., investments, planning of new buildings and facilities). 


Compliance with and promotion of business ethics

Our suppliers are committed to free and fair competition and do not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery.

Our suppliers reject unethical or illegal business practices under all circumstances and undertake to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which they do business, e.g. the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act. We expect the highest level of integrity from our suppliers in all business activities and relationships. All forms of corruption, bribery, extortion and embezzlement are strictly prohibited, and this applies to both active and passive bribery. Our suppliers ensure that no improper benefits or advantages (e.g. gifts, invitations, donations or sponsorship commitments) are made in business dealings with customers, public officials or other third parties. 

Our suppliers require their employees to comply with these requirements, particularly with regard to the prevention of corruption and fraud, antitrust matters, tax regulations, data protection and export controls. The topic of compliance is therefore an elementary component of their daily activities. Our suppliers have established the internal rule that decisions that could have a significant legal, economic or factual impact require the involvement of at least two responsible employees ("dual control principle"). If necessary, they will involve the management in accordance with their risk management.

Occupational health and safety

Our suppliers take their responsibility for the health and safety of their employees very seriously. The health and safety of their employees is a corporate objective of equal importance to the quality of their services and economic success. They strive to implement occupational health and safety at a high level. 

Our suppliers comply with the applicable occupational health and safety regulations and ensure a safe and healthy working environment in order to maintain the health of their employees and prevent accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses. Hazards must be eliminated at source. 

Our suppliers undertake to comply with occupational health and safety regulations and strive to promote occupational health in order to continuously improve working conditions.


Appropriate remuneration, work-life balance and social benefits

The personal well-being of our employees is paramount. Our suppliers pay good, industry-standard salaries. They encourage and demand personal responsibility from their employees. They create attractive long-term jobs for their employees, as well as opportunities for development, organization and advancement. This includes ensuring a balance between career, family and personality (work-life balance). Working hours comply at least with the applicable laws or industry standards of the respective national economic sectors. The ILO Convention on the Limitation of Working Hours and Rest Periods must be observed throughout as a minimum standard. Furthermore, strict attention is paid to ensuring that the other contractors commissioned by our suppliers comply with the legal obligations.


Confidential information and data protection

Our suppliers take the necessary steps to appropriately protect confidential information and business documents from being accessed and viewed by colleagues and other third parties who are not involved. 

Our suppliers comply with the existing legal regulations for maintaining confidentiality, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Trade Secrets Act (GeschGehG). Data is only collected, recorded, processed and used in accordance with the legal requirements. The protection of personal data, in particular of employees, customers and suppliers, is of particular importance. No personal data may be collected or processed without legal admissibility or the consent of the data subject.

When handling personal data, our suppliers always ensure that they have the consent of the data subject, a contractual provision or compliance with another legal basis. When processing personal data, order processing contracts including technical and organizational measures are agreed.

With this in mind, we expect our suppliers to be ISO 27001-certified and/or TISAX-certified.


Use of artificial intelligence 

Our suppliers recognize the importance and potential of artificial intelligence (AI). They are committed to using AI responsibly and ethically to promote innovation. The use of AI must be transparent, fair and in line with applicable data protection regulations. We expect our suppliers to be  committed to protecting privacy and ensuring that AI technologies do not make discriminatory or biased decisions. The responsibility of our suppliers includes continuously reviewing and adapting our AI practices to current ethical guidelines and standards.


Contractual obligations

Compliance with the regulations

Compliance with the requirements formulated in this document is an essential basis for our cooperation with our suppliers. 

We require our suppliers to ensure that their employees are able to report any justified suspicions of potential violations of the Code of Conduct to managers at any time. We also expect a whistleblower system to be available. The information received must be processed confidentially, neutrally and fairly. Any breaches of rules identified must be rectified promptly and appropriate measures taken. 



For further questions about the UNITY AG Code of Conduct or other areas, our suppliers can contact the central e-mail address [email protected]